Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

7 Crazy Superbowl Predictions that could happen

7 Crazy Super bowl Predictions that could happen
By Dr. Bill Chachkes-NFL Draft Bible.com

7- Patriots WR Randy Moss will be assaulted by a group from the women's anti-defamation league as he leaves a party Saturday Night. He will need a restraining order and a police escort in order to play the game Sunday.

6- Coach Bill Belichick will have his entire coaching wardrobe of 27 Hoodies and two pullover hats stolen by a group of 12 year olds from the Ravenswood Housing Projects In Astoria NY called the "little Giants Mafia".

5- Dallas owner Jerry Jones, still distraught over the Cowboys early exit from the Playoffs, will try to get a new playoff system passed that eliminates the wild card round of the playoffs. He will then take a 4 day skiing trip to Utah with Jeff Lurie, and Dan Snyder. He will break his hand on a fall on the slopes, and Snyder will have him airlifted out by a Fedex copter. Lurie will then try to Rush release a movie epic based on the trip ahead of Steve Tisch's release of the same movie.

4- Jessicia Simpson will break up with Tony Romo and Profess her love for Eli Manning. Her father Joe will throw himself at Archie and Olivia Manning, begging them for a chance at their son. Archie will offer Joe a case of Double Stuff Oreos and a case of Hershey's Chocolate milk and tell him to go home.

3- Tom Petty's Tour Bus will burn down at a Roadside diner in Black Canyon City Arizona the day before the game. No one will be hurt, but Petty will have to borrow Prince's purple guitar to play the halftime show. Gene Simmons from Kiss will tell everyone he could have played a better show. By himself.

2- Tom Brady will throw 7 interceptions in the game, and retire from football in the post game press conference. He will break up with the pinup girlfriend and join a religious cult, giving all his net worth to them.

And the #1 Wacky Super Bowl Prediction is:
The Giants will win 24-21 on a last second Field Goal by Tynes again. Both Scotland and Milton Fl. will claim Tynes a Native son, causing a Lawsuit over both's use of his name on a welcome sign. Tynes will accept a free agent offer to play for the new NFL expansion team in Fairbanks Alaska….
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