Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Brett Farve Should Remain Retired; Give Aaron Rogers A Chance

The news is all over the place regarding Brett Farve's rumored return to play in the NFL. But look, we've seen this dance before and frankly I'm tired of it.

Look, I've cried twice thinking that was the end of the line for this great legend of the game. But geez, can't we get a chance to miss Brett and wonder what if, rather than see him step on the field and perhaps not do well?

What's the point? To prove that one can play until their 50? To test the benefits of Viagra? I'm curious. What's the deal? Is it the money? Or just the plain love of being cheered and admired.

I think that's it.

Regardless. I can see the late Coach Walsh now, looking down from Heaven and thinking, "If I were there, I'd have cut him two years ago. What's going on with the Packers?"

Indeed, that's what we're all wondering.

Brett, let this tribute stand:

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