Senin, 20 Oktober 2008
Nolan Fired-Singletary to take over-That Makes Two Bay area Coaches Fired In the Same Month!!
Even though we had heard that the York Family were unhappy with the current situation, we would have thought they would have let Mike Nolan finish out the 2008 season. Then the "Winds" began to blow like they always do at Candlestick Point. except these winds had a wisper on them. " We're going to replace Nolan after the Seahawks game" said those winds. Then tonight we heard "Why Wait! let's get it over with Now." My Only concern is This: Mike Singletary is a Quality Coordinator, a Hall Of Fame retired player, and a good decent man. But if you were labeling the defensive play as the main problem with the 2008 49ers team, then why would you promote the defensive coordinator? True, Defense was Nolan's forte. He was the Man that Rebuilt the Giants Defense after the collapse of the mid-to-late 1990's, and brought them to SB XXXV (i Think Nolan had more to do with that team's success then Fast Jimmy Fassel did! Call me crazy but...). So now the Job is Singletary's for the forseeable future. Will he bring In his Nephew?(an Asst. For Coach Turner Gill at the University of Buffalo) I'm sure for the rest of this season the remaining staff stays intact. Will He Replace Mike Martz? and When? I Hear Dick Vermiel is available as a special consultant in between rounds of Golf! Oh!! did i Blow IT?!? Isn't that who Al Davis wants to hire as General Manager? Don't laugh because it wouldn't be a bad move for either team.